Diplome i sertifikati:
- 1980: Diploma iz oblasti umetnosti – Glavni predmet: psihologija
- 1981: Članstvo – Međunarodno udruženje za transakcionu analizu (ITAA)
- 1983: Počasti (psihologija)
- 1989: Diploma u naprednom nivou savetovanja – Nivo 7
- 1989: Redovni supervizor i edukator (TSTA) – Međunarodno udruženje za transakcionu analizu (ITAA)
- 1996: Sertifikat o opštem savetovanju i savetovanju zavisnika – Univerzitet Curtin
- 2006: Sertifikat prve pomoći – St. Džon Hitna pomoć, Australija
- 2006: Ovlašćeni stručnjak za mentalno zdravlje (Zakon o mentalnom zdravlju, 1996). Kancelarija glavnog psihijatra, Ministarstvo zdravlja.
- 2008: Sertifikat IV za obuku i ocenjivanje, australijski kvalifikacioni okvir
- 2011: Master iz psihoterapije, UK
- 1986: Odbor za registraciju psihologa Zapadne Australije (sada APRHA)
- 1988: Australijsko psihološko društvo – član
- 1995: Član Odeljenja australijskog psihološkog društva za nezavisne praktikante psihologije
Radna istorija:
- 1980 – do danas: karijerni savetnik
- 1980 – 2000: menadžer TA knjižare i izdavač knjiga
- 1981 – do danas: transakcioni analitičar
- 1978 – 1988: koordinator Instituta za transakciono analitičke radionice
- 1984 – 1991: predavač osnovnog programa menadžmenta u singapurskim avio kompanijama, Singapur.
- 1985 – 2002: predavač i klinički trener, Centar za savetovanje i negu Singapur & singapursko udruženje za transakcionu analizu.
- 1986 – do danas: registrovani psiholog u privatnoj praksi
- 1989 – do danas: program obuke i supervizor za savetovanje i psihoterapiju. Obuka savetnika za napredu diplomu u savetovanju, nivo 7
- 1991 – 2000: konsultant St. Džon hitna ponoć (WA), debrifinig traume
- 1991 – 2000: koordinator programa podrške zaposlenima St. Džon hitne pomoći (WA).
- 1996 – 1997: savetnik, Centar za rehabilitaciju zavisnika, Palmerston.
- 1999 – 2004: V.d. koordinatora koordinatora aktivnog odmora – Nivo 6. Udruženje rođaka i prijatelja mentalno obolelih.
- 1996 – 2001: Supervizor savetnika, Centar za rehabilitaciju od droge Palmerston.
- 2002 – 2010: Savetnik za podršku zaposlenima YMCA Perth
- Novembar 2004: Konsultant za YMCA Perth. Evaluacija usluga za mlade i porodice – LYNKS
- savetodavni servis.
- Januar 2005 – 2007: konsultant za YMCA Perth. Psihološki profili aplikanata za program mentora Veliki brat – Velika sestra.
- 2005: Staratelj za putovanja pomirenja. Hrišćanska braća britanska dečija migracijska šema
- 2005 – 2010: plenarni predavač, Program psihologije Univerziteta Murdoch
- 2005 – 2007: senior psiholog, Medicinski centar, Zatvor Acacia.
- 2008 – 2011: REDRESS WA konsultant za CBERS
- 2010 – do danas: počasni predavač. TA Centra – Udruženje transakcionih analitičara Srbije.
- 2010 – do danas: trener u terapiji reodlučivanja – Izvršna, savetodavna i trening akademija, Singapur
- 2016 – 2017: menadžer pojedinačnih slučajeva i privatnih klijenta. Stečena povreda mozga.
- 2016 – 2020: psiholog u vojsci SLužbe spasa Centra za beskućnike
- 1981 – 1982: član Odbora: Zapadnoaustralijsko udruženje za transakcionu analizu
- 1981: predsednik Udruženja psihologa Univerziteta Murdoch
- 1981: predstavnik studenata na Odboru programa psihologije Univerziteta Murdoch
- 1982 – 1983: član Komiteta za organizacionu pripadnost Međunarodnog udruženja za transakcionu analizu
- 1985: koordinator australijskog odbora za transakcionu analizu
- 1989 – 1992: blagajnik zapadnopacifičkog udruženja za transakcionu analizu
- 1992 – 1994: član uredničkog odbora, Bilten društva australijskog psihološkog društva (WA ogranak)
- 1993 – 1995: član Komiteta za nagradu Eric Berne Memorial Award
- 1995 – 1998: član uredničkog odbora, Časopis za transakcionu analizu
- 1997: član Upravnog odbora, Fondacija za disleksiju – SPELD, W.A.
- 2000 – 2005: član odbora Zapadnopacifičkog udruženja za transakcionu analizu
- 2000 – 2006: urednik TA TIMES-a. biltena zapadnopacifičkog udruženja za transakcionu analizu
- 2001 – 2004: član uredničkog odbora, Časopis za transakcionu analizu
- 2003 – 2004: član kluba za štampu UWA
- 2003 – 2004: urednik InPrinta. Bilten UWA Press Club-a.
- 2007: kolumnista za mentalno zdravlje u magazinu „Boost Juice“
- 1980 – do danas: savetovanje i praksa: psihoterapija. Individualno, grupno, porodično, rezidencijalno, bračno savetovanje
- 1985 – do danas: trener i konsultant za organizacije
- 1983 – do danas: lečenje dece, adolescenata i odraslih i psihometrijsko testiranje
- 1996 – do danas: lečenje zavisnosti.
Gostujuće radionice:
- 1985: Sidnej, Australija. četvorodnevna radionica
- 1986: Sidnej, Australija. osmodnevna radionica
- 1986: Centar za savetovanje i negu, Singapur. četvorodnevna radionica
- 1987: Singapur, Svetska konferencija Međunarodnog udruženja za transakcionu analizu. Jednodnevni prekonferencijski institut
- 1989: Havaji, Svetska konferencija Međunarodne transakcione analize. Poludnevni prekonferencijski institut
- 1985 – do danas: razne druge radionice i kursevi (u Australiji i inostranstvu).
- 2009: Tema: veze, Australija (Hobart). Transakciona analiza i njene terapijske implikacije za parove – terapija reodlučivanjem
- 2009: Warath Support Centre, Bunbury. Transakciona analiza i tretman nasilja u porodici.
- 2009: Šest dana radionica u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. Tinejdžeri, samoubistvo, rad sa emocijama, vezivanje i odnosi.
- 2010: Četiri dana radionica u Srbiji. Sertifikat 1 u savetovanju o zavisnostima, transakciona analiza i razvoj deteta
- 2010: Četiri dana radionica u Singapuru. Dve terapijske grupe, radionice o osobama sklonim samoubistvu i poremećajima ličnosti za psihijatre.
- 2011 (januar): Dva dana radionica u Singapuru. Terapijske grupe i obuka u veštinama savetovanja.
- 2011 (jun): Dva dana radionica u Singapuru. Terapijske grupe i obuka u veštinama savetovanja.
- 2012: Dva dana radionica u Sloveniji. Savetovanje osoba sklonih samoubistvu i panel diskusija o samoubistvu u društvu.
- 2013: Jednodnevna radionica u Sloveniji. Rad sa tinejdžerima sklonima samoubistvu.
- 2013: Jednodnevna supervizijska radionica u Hrvatskoj
- 2013: dva dana radionica u Kornvalu, Engleska: Rad sa osobama sklonim samoubistvu i savetovanje različitih patoloških emocionalnih stanja
- 2014 – do danas: jedna ili dve radionice godišnje u Singapuru, Španiji, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Ukrajini, Poljskoj i/ili Sloveniji. Samoubistvo, adolescencija, psihoterapijske grupe, supervizija i/ili individualna terapija
- Inauguralna Goulding nagrada za izuzetnost u T.A. Dodeljeno za izuzetnost u teoriji T.A. na 8. australoazijskoj konferenciji za transakcionu analizu (novembar, 1988), od strane Zapadnopacifičkog udruženja za transakcionu analizu.
- 1994: uvršten u „Međunarodni ko je ko u medicini (2. izdanje)“. Internacionalni biografski centar, Engleska
- 2001: počasni član Udruženja za transakcionu analizu Singapura
- 2011: dobitnik „Visoke pohvale“ na 2011. godini Britanskog medicinskog društva, Medicinska književna nagrada u kategoriji psihijatrije za knjigu – Rad sa osobama sklonim samoubistvu.
- 2012: počasna nagrada – Platinasti član Međunarodnog saveta profesionalnih terapeuta (ICPT)
- 2010: počasni predavač: TA centar – Udruženje transakcionih analitičara Srbije
- 2019: počasni član – Ukrajinsko udruženje transakcione analize
Obuka i radno iskustvo – Značajni uticaji u mom profesionalnom razvoju kao psihologa i psihoterapeuta
Ranih i srednjih 20-tih – Psihologija na univerzitetu
- Kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija
- Psihologija kao empirijska nauka
Ranih i srednjih 20-ih
- Transakciona analiza i gestalt terapija – Bob i Meri Goulding
- Psihoanalitički pristup u dečijoj psihoterapiji – Džulija Solomon
Kasnih 20-ih – ranih 30-ih
- Geštalt terapija – Džim Simkin
- Bioenergetika – Majkl Konant
30-ih do danas – Studije raznih modaliteta
- Posebno terapije zasnovane na transferu
- Psihoanaliza
- Ponovno rođenje
- Porodična terapija Miltona H. Eriksona
- Tinejdžeri i njihova terapija
- Suidologija
- Grupna terapija, individualna terapija, terapija parova, terapija roditelja-dete, rezidencijalna
- grupna terapija, reparenting, logoterapija.
Druga obuka tokom godina koja je posebno uticala na mene
- Ellyn Bader & John Dusay – terapija parova
- Stan i Ruth Caplan – seksualna terapija
- Jeff White – grupa susretanja
- Sue Helfgott – terapija zloupotrebe droge i alkohola
Učenje na poslu koje je značajno uticalo na mene
- Singapurske avio kompanije – organizaciona psihologija
- Sprovođenje obuke i supervizije u različitim psihoterapijama
- YMCA i St Džon hitna pomoć – trauma i savetovanje o traumi
- Palmerston Centar za rehabilitaciju od droge – problemi sa drogom i alkoholom i okidači
- Udruženje rođaka i prijatelja mentalno obolelih – hronična shizofrenija, teška depresija, bipolarni i granični poremećaji ličnosti
- Zatvor Acacia – antisocijalni poremećaj, pedofilija, shizofrenija, narcisoidni poremećaj ličnosti, problemi sa drogom i alkoholom, metadon kao terapija, suicidalnost i samopovređivanje
- Privatna praksa – Depresija, anksioznost, problemi u odnosima, tinejdžeri, deca, nesanica, poremećaji ishrane, seksualno zlostavljanje, tugovanje i gubitak.
Procenjuje se da sam do 2024. godine obavio oko šezdeset hiljada sati savetovanja.
Books by Tony White
Working with suicidal individuals: A guide to providing understanding, assessment and
support. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London.
- Working with drug and alcohol users: A guide to providing understanding,
assessment and support. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London. (objavljeno od strane “Psihopolis Instituta”)
- Redecision Therapy Today: A Redecision Relational Approach to Transactional
Analysis. Deonis Plus: Kyiv. (objavljeno od strane “Psihopolis Insituta”: https://psihopolis.edu.rs/knjiga/savremena-terapija-novom-odlukom/
Chapter contributed in book
- “The two ego state model”, in Dynamics of Ego Management, M. Mathew (ed).
Icfai: Chennai.
2016: “Evolving Theory and Practice with the Self Destructive Individual”, in
Transactional Analysis in Contemporary Psychotherapy, R. Erskine (ed). Carnac Books:
2023: “Counselling for Drug Related Problems”, in The Sage Handbook of Counselling
and Psychotherapy, T. Hanley and L. Winter (eds). Sage: London.
Self published books by Tony White
- New Ways in Transactional Analysis TA Books: Perth
- Transference Based Therapy: Theory and Practice. TA Books: Perth
- How Kids Grow Up And Leave Home TA Books: Perth
- Creative Feeling: How to Understand and Deal With Your Child's Feelings TA
Books: Perth
- The Treatment of Character. TA Books: Perth
- Adolescence, Anger and What To Do. TA Books: Perth
- Employee Support Programme. TA Books: Perth
- Staying Alive: A Handbook of the No Suicide Contract. TA Books: Perth
- Psychotherapy and the Art of Being Human. TA Books: Perth
- The Teenage Mind: New Ideas. TA Books: Perth.
2021, July. Book of transactions – Part 1. Website
2023, July. Book of transactions – Part 2. Website
2023, September. Book of transactions – Part 3. Website
2023, November. Book of transactions – Part 4. Website
2024, January. Book of transactions – Part 5. Website
Journal publications by Tony White:
“Intimacy Re-Visited”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1982.
“Intimacy Re-Visited”. Actualities en Analyse Transactionelle. Accepted for
publication, 1982.
“Three Chair Self-Parenting”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 13, No. 2, 1983.
“Three Chair Self-Parenting”. Actualities en Analyse Transactionelle. Accepted for
publication, 1983.
“Who's OK?” in Talking TA (L. Cameron ed.) 1988. WPATA Publications.
“The two ego state model”. WPATA Bulletin. 1988, 1, 45 – 55.
“Ego states revisited – Once again” in Practical TA (L. Cameron ed.) 1990. WPATA
“Life Positions”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 24, No. 4, 1994, 268 – 275.
“I'm OK, You're OK: Further Considerations”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 25,
No. 2, 1995, 234 – 236.
Three responses to commentaries on 'I'm OK, You're OK: Further Considerations'.
Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 25, No. 2, 1995, 241 – 243.
“Life Positions”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle. Accepted for publication. 1995.
“Character Feelings”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 26, No. 2, 1996, 167 – 174.
“I'm OK, You're OK: Further Considerations”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle.
Accepted for publication. 1996.
Three responses to commentaries on 'I'mOK, You're OK: Further Considerations'.
Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle. Accepted for publication. 1996.
“Treatment of the I+U? and I-U? life positions”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 27,
No. 1, 1997, 57 – 64.
“Is a happy teenager a healthy teenager?: Four levels of adolescent anger”.
Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 27, No. 3, 1997, 192 – 196.
“Symbiosis and attachment hunger”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 27, No. 4,
1997, 300 – 304.
“Transference, attachment and the transactional symbiosis”. Transactional Analysis
Journal. Vol 28, No. 2, 1998, 121 – 126.
“Psychotherapy and the art of being human”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 28,
No. 4, 1998, 321 – 330.
“Treatment of the I+U? and I-U? life positions”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle.
Accepted for publication. 1998.
“Symbiosis and attachment hunger”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle. Accepted
for publication. 1998.
“Homophobia: A misnomer”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 29, No. 1, 1999, 77 –
“Some psychotherapeutic collisions”. Voices. Vol 35, No. 1, 1999, 84 – 94.
“No-Psychosis Contracts”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 29, No. 2, 1999, 133 –
“Heroin Use as a Passive behaviour”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 29, No. 4,
1999, 273 – 277.
“Un adolescent heureux est-il un adolescent en bonne sante?: les quatre niveaux de la
colere adolescente”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle. Vol 24, No. 94, 2000, 60 –
“The Contact Contract”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 31, No. 3, 2001, 194 – 198.
“Contracts do non-psychose”. Actualités en Analyse Transactionelle. Vol 26, No. 102,
2002, 53 – 58.
“Developing a two person psychology”. Transactions Issue No. 7, 2007, 18 – 24.
“A Transactional Analysis Perspective on Suicide Risk Assessment”. Transactional
Analysis Journal. Vol 47, No. 1, 2017, 32-41.
“The Seven Suicide Decisions”. Transactional Analysis Journal. Vol 48, No. 1. 2018.
“Projective Identification – A Rebuttal”. The South Asian Journal of Transactional
Analysis. Vol 4, No. 1, 2018, 22 – 27.
http://“Una evaluación del Riesgo de Suicidio desde el punto de vista del Análisis
Transaccional”. Revista De Análisis Transactional. Órgano de difusión de APPHAT, Vol
4, 2018, 129 – 143.
Las Siete Decisiones de Suicidio: Reevaluando el trabajo de los Goulding para incluir la
ambivalencia suicida y la dimensión homicidio / suicidio. Revista De Análisis
Transactional. Órgano de difusión de APPHAT, Vol 4, 2018, 145 – 161.
“Suicide Contagion, the Suicide Pact and the Effects of Suicidal Behaviour in
Therapeutic and Family Relationships”. International Journal of transactional Analysis
Research and Practice. 2021. 12 (1), 18-24. https://doi.org/10.29044/v12i1p18
“Deconfusion of the Child ego state – “An examination of the main contributions and how
redecision adds to the literature”. International Journal of transactional Analysis
Research and Practice. 2021. 12(2), 17-24.
“The life script heptagon”. International Journal of transactional Analysis Research and
Practice. 2022, 13(1), 53-61.
“Hard contracts, soft contracts and the unconscious”. International Journal of
transactional Analysis Research and Practice. 2022. 13(2), 25-31.
“Trauma, memory and the impact of redecision therapy”. International Journal of
transactional Analysis Research and Practice. 2023. 14(1), 24-31.
“Deconfusione dello stato dell’Io Bambino – un’analisi dei principali contributi e come la
ridecisione si aggiunga alla letteratura.” Percorsi di Analisi Transazionale. 2023, 10(2),
Magazine Articles by Tony White
“The infant ballet”. Mind Magazine. Issue 7, 1990, Page 4.
“Effects of the new baby in the family”. Infant Times. Spring, 1990, Page 47 – 51.
“Children's self-esteem”. Infant Times. Summer, 1991, Page 63 – 67.
“The life of an ambulance officer”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter of the
Australian Psychological Society (WA Branch), April, 1991, Page 1 – 2.
“Effective parenting. A review of parent education in Western Australia. Report to Dr.
Carmen Lawrence, MLA”. The Office of The Family. Written contribution. July, 1991.
“Adolescence – The stage of storm and stress”. Papers of the 10th Australian and New
Zealand Transactional Analysis Conference. East Coast Transactional Analysis
Association. November, 1991, Page 209 – 212.
“Teenage suicide”. TA Times. February, 1992 Page 6 – 7.
“The battered sibling syndrome”. TA Times. August, 1992, Page 11 – 13.
“Postnatal depression”. Infant Times. Spring, 1992, Page 49 – 55.
“Maslow's motivators”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter of the Australian
Psychological Society (WA Branch), December, 1992, Page 1 – 2.
“Where have all the psychologists gone?”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter of the
Australian Psychological Society (WA Branch), December, 1992, Page 4.
“Coping with temper tantrums”. Infant Times Summer, 1993, Page 45 – 46.
“Men with absentee fathers”
Psychologically Speaking Newsletter of the Australian Psychological Society ( WA
Branch). June 1993, page 5.
“The myth of I'm OK, You're OK”. TA Times May, 1993, Page 8.
“Side effects of negative stroking”. TA Times February, 1994, Page 8 – 9.
“The actuality of I'm OK, You're OK”. TA Times August, 1994, Page 11 – 12.
“Homophobia and the Paranoid personality”. TA Times November, 1994, Page 5 – 7.
“The demise of the scientific model”. TA Times. February, 1995, Page 11 – 13.
“What men want [Some of them]”. TA Times. May, 1995, Page 13.
“Born unwanted. The developmental effects of denied abortion”. TA Times. August,
1995, Page 9 – 10.
“Combining training and treatment”. TA Times. November, 1995, Page 15 – 17.
“Stalking”. TA Times. May, 1996, Page 7 – 8.
“Can therapists be real with their clients”. TA Times. August, 1996, Page 10 – 11.
“Critical incident stress debriefing”. The Bulletin. [Australian Psychological Society].
December, 1996, Page 8.
“Heroin use as a passive behaviour”. Drugwise. Autumn, 1997, Page 25.
“CISD debate”. In-Psych. [Australian Psychological Society Newsletter]. April, 1997,
Page 16 & 19.
“Memory: Fact & Fiction”. TA Times. May, 1997, Page 10 – 13. Co-authored with Dr M.A.
“No-psychosis Contracts”. TA Times. February, 1998, Page 11 – 14.
“Stigma: Society’s impact on the mentally ill.” Concern. [Magazine of the Association of
Relative and Friends of the Mentally Ill]. October 1999, Vol. 4, No. 5, Page 27 – 28.
“Transactional Analysis and Drug Use”. Drugwise. October, 2000, Page 53 – 54.
“Conversations: An interview with a sex worker”. TA Times. January, 2001, Page 9 – 17.
“Where WPATA came from”. TA Times. August, 2001, Page 4 – 8.
“Serial Monogamy”. TA Times. August, 2001, Page 13 – 25.
“Drugs in society – a commentary”. TA Times. November, 2001, Page 16 – 22.
“Drug treatment: The Singaporean approach from an Australian perspective”. Drugwise.
November, 2001, Page 36 – 38.
“Where WPATA came from. Part 2 – A Pictorial”. TA Times. February, 2002, Page 13 –
“Eros and Thanatos”. TA Times. February, 2002, Page 28 – 33.
“Eros and Thanatos”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter of the Australian
Psychological Society (WA Branch), March, 2002, Page 10 – 11.
“Transactional Analysis – What, Where and Who”. Psychotherapy in Australia. May,
- Page 62 – 64.
“Where WPATA came from. Part 3 – The Redecision Connection”. TA Times. May,
2002, Page 30 – 43.
“Where WPATA came from. Part 4 – Sydney & “Lifeskills”“. TA Times. August, 2002,
Page 14 – 27.
“Where WPATA came from. Part 5 – The Final Chapter”“. TA Times. November, 2002,
Page 18 – 23.
“Racist or Racish”. TA Times. November, 2002, Page 10 – 11.
“Racist or Racish – Part 2”. TA Times. January, 2003, Page 28 – 31.
“WPATA Biography – Tony White”. TA Times. January, 2003, Page 36 – 41.
Written Submission. Joint Inquiry into the Protection of Human Genetic Information.
Australian Law Reform Commission. NHMRC, Australian Health Ethics Committee.
February, 2003.
“Racist or Racish”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter of the Australian
Psychological Society (WA Branch), March, 2003, Page 13 – 15.
“The Americanization of Culture. Racist or Racish – Part 3”. TA Times. May, 2003, Page
11 – 14.
“The developmental/conceptual model of ego states: The developmental history of the
Adult ego state”. TA Times. May, 2003, Page 15 – 21.
“The Americanisation of Culture: Racist or Racish”. Psychologically Speaking.
Newsletter of the Australian Psychological Society (WA Branch), July, 2003, Page 13 –
“Can Iraq be a Democracy?”. TA Times. August, 2003, Page 19 – 25.
“The life span stages of change model; Normalising drug use in society”. TA Times.
November, 2003, Page 24 – 29.
“Guilt. The therapist’s Parent ego state in psychotherapy”. TA Times. January, 2004,
Page 12 – 19.
“Personality Adaptations”. TA Times. May, 2004, Page 19 – 28.
“Assessing suicide risk”. TA Times. August, 2004, Page 23 – 37.
“Mandatory Reporting – Psychology or Policing”. Psychologically Speaking. Newsletter
of the Australian Psychological Society (WA Branch), September, 2004, Page 3.
“Object Constancy”. TA Times. November, 2004, Page 10 – 14. (Co-authored with
Wendy Tarrant)
“The Three Transferences”. TA Times. January, 2005, Page 41 – 51.
“Leadership and group membership. Eric Berne’s combat state”. TA Times. May, 2005,
Page 28 – 36.
“The Godzilla Effect”. TA Times. May, 2005, Page 38 – 41.
“Games Children Play”. TA Times. August, 2005, Page 37 – 52.
“Reunification: from a carer’s perspective”. EX-PRESS. Newsletter of Christian
Brothers Ex-residents and Student Services. August, 2005. Page 5.
“The Adolescent Mind”. TA Times. November, 2005, Page 70 – 80.
“Developing a two person psychology. A model for therapeutic change”. TA Times.
January, 2007, Page 6 – 9.
“The No Suicide Contract: A Relational Process”. EATA Newsletter. October, 2008.
Page 7 – 13.
“Thoughts on Shame”. The Transactional Analyst. The quarterly magazine of the
Institute of Transactional Analysis. Summer 2012, Vol 2 (3), Page 21 – 24.
“Six Dilemmas for Drug and Alcohol Therapists”. The Transactional Analyst. United
Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis Quarterly Magazine. Winter 2013/14,
Vol 4 (1), Page 20 – 23.
“Ego States and States of the Ego: Assessing the Integrated Adult”. TA Times. July,
2015, Page 17-25.
“Motivations for self harm”. TA Times. February, 2016, Page 25 – 27.
“Comment on Stark’s Three Types of Psychology”. TA Times. May, 2016, Page 6-10.
The Hypnosis Transaction. Dialogues – Magazine of the Ukrainian Society of
Transactional Analysis, 2024, No12, 6 – 11.